Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Text File
782 lines
; $VER: install 1.6 (7.4.2000)
; An Amiga Installer script for Sofa.
; Written by Thomas Aglassinger <agi@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at>
; Placed in the public domain.
; NOTE: Start Installer from CLI with "APPNAME debug" to skip the stuff
; that copies the files and modifies the s:User-Startup.
; Specify minimum installer version
(debug "set version")
(set #minimum-installer-version 43)
(set #minimum-installer-revision 3)
(set #minimum-installer-id
(+ #minimum-installer-revision
(* #minimum-installer-version 65536)
(debug " minimum-installer-id = " #minimum-installer-id)
(debug " current-installer-id = " @installer-version)
(set #minimum-os-version 39)
(set #minimum-disk-space 20) ; in MB
(set #minimum-memory-left 4) ; in MB
(set #recommended-memory-left 8) ; in MB
; Setup messages, prompts and help text
(set #message-wrong-installer
(cat "You have an old version of the program `Installer' on your Amiga.\n\n"
"The installation procedure needs at least Installer "
#minimum-installer-version "." #minimum-installer-revision ".\n\n"
"Obtain a newer version and try again.\n\n"
"(Check Aminet or the WWW site of the current owner of the rights for "
"Amiga - whoever that might be right now.)"
(set #message-wrong-os-version
(cat "You need at least AmigaOS version " #minimum-os-version " for Sofa." )
(set #message-welcome
(cat "Welcome to the Amiga Installer to install the Sofa distribution "
"of the SmallEiffel compiler on your Amiga."
(set #message-welcome-setup
(cat "Welcome to the Amiga Installer to setup an existing Sofa installation."
(set #message-exit
(cat "\nSuccessfully installed Sofa.\n\n"
"Please reboot before using it."
(set #message-exit-change-compiler
(cat "\nChanged the C compiler for Sofa.\n\n"
"The next time you invoke the \"compile\" command, %s will be used."
(set #prompt-ask-sofa-directory
(cat "Select where to install Sofa.\n"
"A directory named \"sofa\" is created automatically"
(set #prompt-ask-c-compiler
(cat "Select C compiler to be used by Sofa"
(set #help-ask-c-compiler
(cat "Sofa does not compile to Amiga native code directly rather than "
"translates Eiffel source to C source. To actually create an "
"executable, you need a C compiler.\n\n"
"Naturally, the compiler selected has to be installed and within "
"the Workbench search path.\n\n"
"Refer to the manual for more details and where you can get "
"freely distributable C compilers."
(set #prompt-update-user-startup
(cat "The following lines are added to the s:User-Startup:\n\n"
(set #help-update-user-startup
(cat "These lines are necessary for Sofa to find its classes.\n\n"
"You can however skip this part and perform it manually later on "
"according to the documentation."
(set #prompt-copy-support-files "Copy additional documentation")
(set #help-copy-support-files
(cat "These files are not needed to run Sofa. Still they contain documentation "
"you might find useful."
(set #working-user-startup "Updating user-startup")
(set #working-set-smalleiffel "Updating SmallEiffel settings")
(set #working-compile-sofa-lib "Recompiling sofa.lib")
; Setup messages
(set #prompt-setup "Select item to setup or change")
(set #help-setup
(cat "" ; TODO: better help
; Various error messages and warnings
(set #warning-wrong-cpu
(cat "Warning: You need at least a 68020 CPU to use the included executables.\n\n"
"You can continue with the installation, but the SmallEiffel compiler "
"won't work if you try to start it.\n\n"
"If you really want 68000 executables, contact Sofa Support or bootstrap "
"the compiler yourself using the \"sofa:SmallEiffel/install\" tool. Refer "
"to \"Sofa:SmallEiffel/\" for more information."
(set #warning-low-disk-space
(cat "Warning: The volume you are about to install Sofa should have about "
#minimum-disk-space " MB left.\n\n"
"If you continue, installation will probably fail, or you will experience "
"problems pretty soon when using Sofa.\n\n"
"It is recommended that you free some space or choose a different volume."
(set #warning-low-memory
(cat "Warning: To use the SmallEiffel compiler, "
"you need at least " #minimum-memory-left " MB of free memory ("
#recommended-memory-left " MB recommended)\n\n"
(set #message-manual-compiler-setup
(cat "As you did not specify a certain compiler, you have to perform some "
"steps manually.\n\n"
"In particular, the files \"compiler.Amiga\" and \"linker.Amiga\" "
"have to be set. Refer to \"man/system.txt\" in the SmallEiffel "
"directory for more information."
(set #message-binaries-missing
(cat "Note that the compiler binaries are available in a different "
"archive depending on your CPU. You can obtain them from Aminet, "
"look out for a file dev/lang/sofa*.lha with \"*\" "
"indicating your CPU.\n\n"
"Then simply copy the included binaries to \"%s\"."
(set #message-install-se-failed
(cat "Cannot setup SmallEiffel.\n\nAn error log has been stored in \"%s\"."
"Please submit this file to Sofa support."
(set #message-compile-sofa-lib-failed
(cat "Warning: Cannot compile sofa.lib.\n\n"
"Probably your C compiler is not supported or not installed correctly. "
"Retry to compile sofa.lib again with \"sofa:setup\" with the log file "
"enabled. If it still doesn't work, submit the log to Sofa Support."
(set #message-not-implemented "This feature has not been implemented yet.")
(set #message-amiga-includes-missing
(cat "Warning: The AmigaOS includes don't seem to be installed on your system.\n"
"(The file \"%s\" must exist.)\n\n"
"You will not be able to use certain low-level class of SmallEiffel, or any "
"part of the sofa library.\n\n"
"It is recommended to abort installation now, install the AmigaOS includes, "
"and install Sofa only after that."
(set #message-c-compiler-missing
(cat "Warning: None of the supported C compilers seems to be installed on your system\n\n"
"You probably will not be able to do anything with Sofa.\n\n"
"It is recommended to abort installation now, install a C compiler "
"and install Sofa only after that."
(set #message-c-support-sucks
(cat "Warning: The support for the C compiler you selected somewhat sucks.\n\n"
"Consider aborting the installation and retrying with a different choice."
; Some global constants and defaults
(set #env-appendix "sys/system.se")
(set #compiler-sas-name "SAS/c")
(set #compiler-sas-se "sc")
(set #compiler-sas-id 0)
(set #compiler-dice-name "Dice")
(set #compiler-dice-se "dice")
(set #compiler-dice-id 1)
(set #compiler-vbcc-name "Vbcc")
(set #compiler-vbcc-se "vbcc")
(set #compiler-vbcc-id 2)
(set #compiler-gcc-name "gcc/egcs")
(set #compiler-gcc-se "gcc")
(set #compiler-gcc-id 3)
(set #compiler-other-name "Other")
(set #compiler-other-se "")
(set #compiler-other-id 4)
(set #setup-compiler-name "Change C compiler used by SmallEiffel")
(set #setup-compiler-id 0)
(set #setup-sofa-lib-name "Recompile sofa.lib")
(set #setup-sofa-lib-id 1)
(set #setup-cpu-name "Recompile SmallEiffel") ; TODO: support this
(set #setup-cpu-id 2)
(set #includes "sofa:SmallEiffel/sys sofa:library/sofa/include")
(set #libs "sofa:lib")
(set #install-se-log "t:sofa_install_se.log")
(set #compile-sofa-lib-log "t:sofa_compile_sofa_lib.log")
(set #execute-log "t:sofa_execute.log")
(set #execute-temp "t:sofa_execute.tmp")
; Check requirements
; Check installer version to piss people off and make them
; download a new one or forget about the whole thing - He he he.
; (The script should work with older versions, but how am I
; supposed to test this?)
; Check OS version and memory left.
(procedure P-check-requirements
(debug "check installer version")
(if (< @installer-version #minimum-installer-id)
(debug "installer too old")
(abort #message-wrong-installer)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) #minimum-os-version)
(debug "OS too old")
(abort #message-wrong-os-version)
(procedure P-check-disk-space
(debug "check disk space")
(if (< (/ (getdiskspace #sofa-directory) 1048576) #minimum-disk-space)
(debug "low diskspace")
(message #warning-low-disk-space (all))
(if (< (/ (database "total-mem") 1048576) #minimum-memory-left)
(debug "low memory")
(message #warning-low-memory (all))
(set #cpu (database "cpu"))
(debug "cpu =" #cpu)
(if (or (= "68000" #cpu) (= "68010" #cpu))
(debug "wrong CPU")
(message #warning-wrong-cpu (all))
; Welcome user
(procedure P-welcome
(debug "welcome")
(welcome #message-welcome)
(procedure P-welcome-setup
(debug "welcome")
(welcome #message-welcome-setup)
; Ask for target directory where to install Sofa
(procedure P-ask-sofa-directory
(debug "ask-sofa-directory")
(if (exists "sofa:" (noreq))
; Update existing installation. Use parent of "Sofa:" as default
(set #default-sofa-directory "sofa:/")
; New installation. Use parent of current directory as default
(set #default-sofa-directory "/")
(set #default-sofa-directory (expandpath #default-sofa-directory))
(set #sofa-directory
(prompt #prompt-ask-sofa-directory)
(default #default-sofa-directory)
(help @askdir-help)
; Compute name of Sofa directory
(set #sofa-directory (tackon #sofa-directory "sofa"))
(debug " #sofa-directory =" #sofa-directory)
; Compute name of library directory
(set #library-directory (tackon #sofa-directory "library"))
(debug " #library-directory =" #library-directory)
; Compute name of SmallEiffel's "bin" and "sys" directory
(set #smalleiffel-directory (tackon #sofa-directory "SmallEiffel"))
(set #smalleiffel-directory-bin (tackon #smalleiffel-directory "bin"))
(set #smalleiffel-directory-sys (tackon #smalleiffel-directory "sys"))
(debug " #smalleiffel-directory =" #smalleiffel-directory)
; Set target directory used in standard message during (exit)
(set @default-dest #sofa-directory)
(debug " @default-dest =" @default-dest)
; Ask for C compiler to use
(procedure P-ask-c-compiler
(debug "ask-c-compiler")
; Figure out default selection of compiler:
; if sc: exists use SAS/c
; if dcc: exists, use DICE
; if vbcc: exists, use vbcc
; if ADE: or GG: exists, use egcs/GCC
(set #compiler-choice #compiler-other-id)
(set #compiler-se #compiler-others-se)
(if (exists("sc:" (noreq)))
(set #compiler-choice #compiler-sas-id)
(if (exists("dcc:" (noreq)))
(set #compiler-choice #compiler-dice-id)
(if (exists("vbcc:" (noreq)))
(set #compiler-choice #compiler-vbcc-id)
(if (OR (<> "" (exists("ade:" (noreq))) (<> "" (exists("gg:" (noreq))))))
(set #compiler-choice #compiler-gcc-id)
(debug " default compiler: " #compiler-choice)
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-other-id)
(message #message-c-compiler-missing )
(set #compiler-choice
(prompt #prompt-ask-c-compiler)
(help #help-ask-c-compiler)
(default #compiler-choice)
; compiler name as known by SE's install
(set #compiler-se #compiler-other-se)
(set #compiler-name #compiler-other-name)
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-sas-id)
(set #compiler-se #compiler-sas-se)
(set #compiler-name #compiler-sas-name)
(P-check-includes-exist "include:")
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-dice-id)
(set #compiler-se #compiler-dice-se)
(set #compiler-name #compiler-dice-name)
(P-check-includes-exist "dinclude:")
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-vbcc-id)
(set #compiler-se #compiler-vbcc-se)
(set #compiler-name #compiler-vbcc-name)
(P-check-includes-exist "vincludem68k:")
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-gcc-id)
(set #compiler-se #compiler-gcc-se)
(set #compiler-name #compiler-gcc-name)
(set #use-other-compiler (= #compiler-other-se #compiler-se))
(debug " choice = " #compiler-choice "(" #use-other-compiler ")")
(if (= #compiler-choice #compiler-gcc-id)
(message #message-c-support-sucks)
(procedure P-check-includes-exist #assign
(set #include-name (tackon #assign "exec/types.h"))
(if (not (exists #include-name (noreq)))
(message (#message-amiga-includes-missing #include-name))
; Update User-Startup
(procedure P-update-user-startup
; Simply adds a SetEnv and Path command
(debug "update user-startup")
(working #working-user-startup)
(set #command-user-startup
(cat ("Assign sofa: \"%s\"\n" #sofa-directory)
("SetEnv SmallEiffel \"%s\"\n" (tackon "sofa:SmallEiffel" #env-appendix ))
("SetEnv GOBO \"%s\"\n" "sofa:library/gobo")
("SetEnv EXML \"%s\"\n" "sofa:library/exml")
"Path Add \"sofa:SmallEiffel/bin\" \"sofa:tool\" \"${GOBO}/bin\"\n"
(P-add-assign-command "sc:" "include:" "lib:")
(P-add-assign-command "dcc:" "dinclude:" "dlib:")
(P-add-assign-command "vbcc:" "vincludem68k:" "vlibm68k:")
; TODO: consider gcc
(debug "---")
(debug #command-user-startup)
(debug "---")
; execute startup already, so that "sofa:" exists
(dest #execute-temp)
(append #command-user-startup)
(if (= 0 (execute #execute-temp (safe)))
(delete #execute-temp)
(abort ("Error while executing \"%s\" (code %s)\n\nPlease submit the file \"%s\" to Sofa Support" #execute-temp @ioerr #execute-log))
(if (<> "debug" @app-name)
(startup "sofa"
(prompt (cat #prompt-update-user-startup #command-user-startup))
(help #help-update-user-startup)
(command #command-user-startup)
(debug " debug-skip")
(procedure P-add-assign-command #assign-check #include #lib
(set #command-user-startup
(cat #command-user-startup
("Assign Exists \"%s\"\n" #assign-check)
"if not warn\n"
(" Assign Add \"%s\" %s\n" #include #includes)
(" Assign Add \"%s\" %s\n" #lib #libs)
; Ask setup main choices
(procedure P-ask-setup-choice
(debug "ask-setup-choice")
(set #setup-choice
(prompt "Select item to setup or change")
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
; Setup SmallEiffel
(procedure P-setup-smalleiffel
(debug "P-setup-smalleiffel")
(if (<> #compiler-se #compiler-other-se)
(working #working-set-smalleiffel)
(set #command-install
("\"%s\" >\"%s\" -no_compile -compiler %s"
(tackon #smalleiffel-directory "install")
(debug "---")
(debug #command-install)
(debug "---")
(set #run-result (run #command-install))
(if (= 0 #run-result)
; extracted successfully
(delete #install-se-log)
; error installation
(abort (#message-install-se-failed #install-se-log))
(debug " no compiler specified")
; Compile sofa.lib
(procedure P-compile-sofa-lib
(debug "P-compile-sofa-lib")
(if (<> #compiler-se #compiler-other-se)
(working #working-compile-sofa-lib)
(set #rexx-command "sofa:library/sofa/source/rebuild.rexx")
(debug "---")
(debug #rexx-command)
(debug "---")
(set #run-result (rexx #rexx-command))
(if (= 0 #run-result)
; extracted successfully
(delete #compile-sofa-lib-log)
; error
(message #message-compile-sofa-lib-failed)
(debug " no compiler specified")
; Create directories
(procedure P-create-directories
; Create Sofa directory and SmallEiffel/bin because they are needed in any case
(makedir #sofa-directory (safe))
(source "/sofa.info")
(dest (tackon #sofa-directory "/"))
(makedir #library-directory (safe))
(makedir #smalleiffel-directory (safe))
(makedir #smalleiffel-directory-bin (safe))
(makedir #smalleiffel-directory-sys)
; Check if current directory is target directory
(procedure P-check-already-in-sofa
(debug "P-check-already-in-sofa")
; Check, if target directory is current directory. If so, no files have
; to be copied later on
(set #expanded-current (expandpath ""))
(set #expanded-sofa (expandpath #sofa-directory))
(debug " expanded-current = " #expanded-current)
(debug " expanded-sofa = " #expanded-sofa)
(set #already-in-sofa (= #expanded-current #expanded-sofa))
(debug " already-in-sofa = " #already-in-sofa)
; Create setup script from install script
(procedure P-create-setup
(debug "create-setup")
(set #setup-script (tackon #sofa-directory "setup"))
(set #setup-script-info (cat #setup-script ".info"))
(set #install-script (tackon #sofa-directory "install"))
(set #install-script-info (cat #install-script ".info"))
(rename #install-script #setup-script)
(rename #install-script-info #setup-script-info)
(dest #setup-script)
(settooltype "APPNAME" "setup")
; Exit
(procedure P-exit
(debug "exit")
; If no specific compiler was specified, give the user a hint
(complete 98)
(if #use-other-compiler (message #message-manual-compiler-setup))
; If no binaries have been found, tell the user where he can get them from
; (complete 99)
; (if (= 0 (exists(tackon #target-directory-bin "compile")))
; (message (#message-binaries-missing #target-directory-bin) (all))
; )
; Say "good bye"
(complete 100)
(exit #message-exit)
(procedure P-exit-change-compiler
(debug "exit")
; Just say "good bye"
; (message (#message-exit-change-compiler #compiler-name) (all))
; (exit (quiet))
(exit (#message-exit-change-compiler #compiler-name) (quiet))
; Do it!
(complete 0) (P-check-requirements)
(debug "@app-name = " @app-name)
(if (<> @app-name "setup")
; Install the package
(complete 0) (P-welcome)
(complete 10) (P-ask-sofa-directory)
(complete 20) (P-ask-c-compiler)
(complete 30) (P-check-already-in-sofa)
(if (not #already-in-sofa)
(complete 33) (P-create-directories)
(if (<> @app-name "debug")
(complete 35) (copyfiles (pattern "#?") (files) (infos) (source "") (dest #sofa-directory))
(complete 37) (copyfiles (all) (source "developer") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "developer")))
(complete 40) (makedir "lib" (safe)) ; just in case
(copyfiles (all) (source "lib") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "lib")))
(complete 45) (copyfiles (all) (source "manual") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "manual")))
(complete 48) (copyfiles (all) (source "tool") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "tool")))
(complete 50) (copyfiles (all) (source "SmallEiffel") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "SmallEiffel")))
(complete 70) (copyfiles (all) (source "library") (dest (tackon #sofa-directory "library")))
(complete 85) (P-update-user-startup)
(complete 87) (P-setup-smalleiffel)
(complete 90) (P-compile-sofa-lib)
(complete 99) (P-create-setup)
(set @app-name "Sofa")
(set @default-dest #sofa-directory)
; setup
(set #sofa-directory (expandpath ""))
(set @default-dest #sofa-directory)
(complete 10) (P-welcome-setup)
(complete 20) (P-ask-setup-choice)
(select #setup-choice
; Change C compiler
(set #smalleiffel-directory (expandpath "SmallEiffel"))
(set #smalleiffel-directory-bin (tackon #smalleiffel-directory "bin"))
(set #smalleiffel-directory-sys (tackon #smalleiffel-directory "sys"))
(complete 30) (P-ask-c-compiler)
(complete 40) (P-setup-smalleiffel )
(complete 60) (P-compile-sofa-lib)
(complete 100) (P-exit-change-compiler)
(complete 50) (P-compile-sofa-lib)
(abort #message-not-implemented)
(abort #message-not-implemented)
(set @app-name "Sofa")